Acton Speedway
Ospringe, ON
Years in Operation: 1968-1971
Name History:
Occasionally referred to as Acton-Ospringe Speedway in 1969
Track Configurations:
1/4 mile dirt oval (1968)
1/4 mile paved oval (paved late in the 1968 season - 1971)
Historical Photos
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Larry Majuery hits the wall after tagging Hugh Eckrich in 1970. Photo by Bob Sutton from Wheelspin News.
Ken Daniels wins a feature in 1970. He's being awarded the trophy by Fred the Clown while starter Brian Hill holds the checkered. Photo by Bob Sutton from Wheelspin News.
Brian Cole (6) and Gary Elliott (36) pose after a dead-heat for the win in 1969. Photo courtesy of Gary Elliott.